All Of Us Are Dead – The hit South Korean zombie series All of Us Are Dead shocked audiences with its final moments. The show, which follows a group of high school students trapped during a zombie outbreak, is filled with intense drama, emotional twists, and unexpected turns. The ending of the series is unpredictable & leaves much to unpack, especially when considering key characters, their fates, and the state of the city of Hyosan. Let’s dive deep into this thrilling series’s conclusion and analyze the fate of its main characters.

Byeong-Chan: The Catalyst for the Outbreak

The show originated with Byeong-Chan, the teacher who inadvertently set the virus loose. His study on the enigmatic virus, which is meant to eliminate human genetic disorders, runs amok and eventually brings about the calamitous breakout in Hyosan. As the character of Byeong-Chan sacrifices himself for the greater good, his deeds set an irreversible course of events in motion. The consequences of his experiment significantly influence the ending of the series, with implications regarding the ethics of scientific breakthroughs and tampering with nature.

Jae-Ik and Ho-Cheol: The Tragic Leadership

They are very pivotal in the series’ middle part. Both come as authorities that try to get things in hand in times of chaos; Jae-Ik, the teacher, tries to lead the group through strategic thinking for survival, whereas Ho-Cheol, the school security guard, is firm with protection. However, both characters have tragic ends to them, which drives home the message that survival in a world invaded by zombies is never promised. Their deaths drive home the point that nothing is predictable in the post-apocalyptic world where no one is safe, irrespective of their role.

Eun-Ji and Cheol-Su: The Forgotten Heroes

Eun-Ji and Cheol-Su are marked by loyalty and sacrifice in their journey. These characters, though not in the spotlight most of the time, play crucial roles in the survival of their peers. Eun-Ji, who looks after the emotional well-being of the group, and Cheol-Su, who gives them physical support, both die in tragic circumstances that emphasize the theme of fleeting survival. Their deaths provide emotional depth to the series, showing how even the kindest and most selfless characters are caught in the chaos.

So-Ju: The Unexpected Villain

One of the most significant plot twists for All of Us Are Dead is So-Ju’s development from an ostensibly innocent character to a villain. First perceived as innocuous, her fall into madness shows how strain from the end can corrupt the most innocent persons. Her move to being the antagonist heightens the tension as the series concludes, showing that when survival becomes the issue, what is good and evil can become irrelevant.

Na-Yeon: A Shrewd Survivor

Na-Yeon is another survivor whose survival instincts are tested in the entire series. She wants to stay alive at any cost, which puts her at odds with others, particularly as she navigates a shifting moral landscape in Hyosan. Na-Yeon’s journey represents survival and the choices you make while surviving. Her character’s development makes viewers question how far one would go for survival.

The City of Hyosan: A World in Ruins

Hyosan, a once-thriving metropolis, is now a city that has become a metaphor for collapse and decay. The last episodes of the series provide a haunting picture of the town, from being a place of life to a wasteland dominated by the undead. Hyosan serves as a grim backdrop for the personal stories of the survivors, making it clear that the world outside is no longer recognizable. The city’s downfall represents the inevitable spread of chaos that cannot be stopped once unleashed.

Gwi-Nam and Cheong-San: The Unlikely Final Survivors

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the ending is the fate of Gwi-Nam and Cheong-San. In the last episodes, two main antagonists, whose animosity has been building and building, will surprisingly reconcile. Gwi-Nam, the former antagonist and most deadly opponent encountered throughout the show, was left alone in front of Cheong-San, who, ironically, survived a miracle of the impossible odds. In the movie, their last scenes symbolize a significant idea: in a land full of death, the human spirit can still, at times, find its moment of redemption or connection.

The Deputy Commander: The True Face of Authority

The Deputy Commander, initially portrayed as a competent figure trying to control the outbreak, represents the failures of authority in the face of a catastrophe. His role in the final episodes reveals the flawed nature of the government’s response to the outbreak. The chaos that unfolds, despite his leadership, reflects the theme that, in the end, no system is foolproof, especially in a world overrun by zombies.

The Final Survivors: A Glimmer of Hope

The series ends with a few survivors, leaving the audience with a sense of hope and despair. The final scenes indicate that although the world has changed irreparably, humanity still has a chance to rebuild. The survivors, scarred by the horrors they have witnessed, now carry the responsibility of ensuring that the virus does not continue to spread. The unpredictability of the series’ ending also brings to the fore the uncertainty of life in a world on the brink of collapse.


The show’s climax was both stunning and thought-provoking. It was a story of survival and sacrifice against all odds and about the human condition in the end. This has been All of Us Are Dead, an exercise in character complexity and unpredictability that provokes viewers to question the fragility of life and the unseen repercussions of human behavior.